Historical Note

"Stonewall Jackson"

Thomas Jonathan Jackson, (January 21, 1824-May 10, 1863) was a Confederate general during the American Civil War. He is probably the best known Confederate commander after General Robert E. Lee, whom he served under as a corps commander in the Army of Northern Virginia. Jackson was affectionately known as Stonewall Jackson or Ol’ Blue Light. His military career includes the Valley Campaign of 1862, the First Battle of Bull Run, where he received the nickname “Stonewall”, Second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, the Seven Days Battles and the Battle of Chancellorsville where on May 2nd, 1862 he was accidentally shot by Confederate pickets. Although the general survived, albeit with the loss of an arm to amputation he died of complications of pneumonia eight days later, Jackson is considered by many to be one of the most gifted tactical commanders in US history and even today his strategies are studied worldwide as examples of innovative and bold leadership. Jackson’s death was a severe comeback for the Confederacy; it affected not only military prospects but also the morale of the Confederacy’s army and general public. Despite Cousin Ike’s fond mention of Stonewall Jackson, the only real connection between Stonewall and Alabama is the fact there is a school named after him in Birmingham.